Article writing - How it can boost web traffic?

If you are the owner of a new website and are wondering how to promote it on the Internet, read on! The usual route is to get the important search engines to sign you on. However this can turn into a frustrating and costly effort. I'm here to tell you a method, which is easy, will get you quick results and won't cost anything! Posting original and useful articles on your site is the secret to a successful website

How do I pick a topic?

Write about either something that interests you the most or something that is directly or indirectly in line with your website. This will solve your 'choosing' dilemma. Writing about a subject that you are fond of will also be more a pleasure than work.

What do I do with my article?

Once your document is complete, mail it to directories that publish writing, free of cost. Sites like Add-Articles.Com do not charge anything to post articles on their si.te and contacting many similar sites will get your writing published in many places on the Net.

How do I benefit?

Utilizing the Resource Section: Every website has a 'resource section.' This is where you put in a brief introduction about yourself as the author of the piece and write your website address. If people like your article, there is a good chance that they will want to see your site. The Resource Section typically reads something like this: " Prof. Jack Doe, a leading authority on Victorian Literature has headed the Dept. of English at UCLA for close to a decade. If you would like to read more articles by Prof. Doe please visit his website at" This section will accompany your article every time and wherever it is published. The copyright for your article also will be yours.

Cashing in on Keywords

This is the section where you list out all the keywords relating to your article, so that it will feature on any search engine listing. Some keywords you could use for the above example are: "Literature, British Literature, Victorian Age" etc.

Will this increase my website's visibility?

It surely will in the following ways :
Innumerable people go to the Article Directories in search of articles. All those interested in Literature will read your article, which is posted in the directory. If they wish to read more articles written by you, the obvious next step is to visit your website which is mentioned in the resource section.

It is not only information seekers who read your articles. Other web hosts who have sites related to your article will also read them. When these website owners place your article in their site, with your resource section intact, your site will have that much more publicity.

And in conclusion, the icing on the cake is the role played by the primary Search Engines. They are always hungry for new material. Once they get wind of your article.there's no looking back for your website. And all this without you spending a single penny!

For all your writing requirements, please contact us at Power Lines Central.



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